Friday, March 18, 2011

Schedule Your MRI Now


Starting April 1st - Monthly Referral Incentive Program
How does it work?

Refer a new student to The Bead Metaler Studios & make sure you give your referral your name.
Once the new student has taken their first class you will receive credit for the same amount they spend on their class fee.

You refer your new friend to me and they sign up for a $45.00 metal class and take the class on April 5th.
You will have 30 days from April 5th to use your credit of $45.00
The rules are simple:
This is a use it or loose it credit with no roll over credits allowed
Credit is not transferable with no exceptions
MRI's are good for NEW students only.

Pick up some business cards next time you are in class and start getting your classes for free!


Ronna said...

Wild picture!

Colleen said...

I put your card up at Curves so if any of them sign up, it was because of me!

Hope you get many new students!