Do you want all the best patterns out of Bead & Button magazine but don't want to buy all the issues?? Each year Bead & Button picks the best projects of the year and puts them into one really nice hard back book and guess who made it in for the 2nd year?? It's really a great way to have all the best projects at your fingertips ... get a copy of your own; it's on sale now at all the bookstores.
Wow, good job!! I will go get one off amazon!
Congrats, Boss - off to find one today...or tomorrow! Tanya
It's no surprise to me--you should be in every year! You're the best Colleen.
Pat K
Hey Congrats!
I will look tomorrow when I'm out!
Thank you!
Congratulations! That's awesome.
You go girl!
Sweet! Now that your famous don't forget us little guys! ;)
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